The war between Israel and Hamas has been ongoing for eight months since last October.
As many anticipated, Hamas has proven to be no match for Israel.
Israel now controls most of Gaza, and the conflict has shifted from a full-scale war to more specialized operations and clean-up missions.
Did the Hamas leadership not foresee this outcome when they killed and kidnapped innocent Israeli civilians? I don’t think so. I believe that the leadership of Hamas, commanding tens of thousands, is not that foolish.
History suggests that this is merely the prelude to a larger conflict between Israel and the Islamic states.
Hamas has sounded the starting bell, trying to hold out as long as possible to garner support and involvement from their Islamic brethren.
What was expected to end as a retaliatory operation between Israel and Hamas has escalated. We now see missile strikes on Iranian soil and a growing conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon, which acts as Iran’s proxy.
As expected, Hamas was just the beginning of this major conflict. Now, the second war between Israel and Hezbollah looms on the horizon.
What comes next? Many predict a war with Iran. Currently, the world is witnessing two major conflicts: one in Europe and one in the Middle East.
These wars are brutal and ruthless slaughters, but they also serve as testing grounds for a new generation of weapons.
Additionally, they create new demand to counteract the inflation caused by quantitative easing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This suggests that the wars will not end easily or soon, but will instead become prolonged.
Recently, the movements of the “Rocket Man” in the North have been unsettling. I fear that if a third war breaks out, it could be in the East Asian region.

Image Israel vs Hezbollah, Source: